Lombok Getters and Setters

If you are a starter developer, this post is for you.

Who has never got fed up with all the generic purpose getters and setters we need to write? Even with the functionalities IDEs provide to automate it, we still have that amount of redundant code written in the classes.

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BookStore WebServices

In this post I will explain step-by-step how to create a simple BookStore with RESTful WebServices.

This code is also available in my GitHub page. Feel free to comment if you have any doubt or suggestion. 😄

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Simple String Generator

It’s usually necessary to have a way to produce random strings programmatically:

  • Produce random IDs for entities;
  • Produce random passwords;
  • Produce random patterns, etc.

Today, I will show you a very quick way to create those strings for studying purpose or as a simple solution.

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Recently, I published a post of an application called WitsGenerator to provide random Wits data through a TCP port. Today I’m publishing another application related to the Oil & Gas business, but now it’s to count the amount of parameters being transmitted through Wits.

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Bit Shift & Bitwise

Bit Shift and Bitwise are operators that make binary calculations perfectly straightforward. Some years ago, I had to refactor some logic using bit shift operations. That made me think that most developers had never seen or even understand what are bit shift and bitwise operations. These operators provide a great must-know solution for specific problems, like network calculations (IP & netmask); privileges processing based in bit fields; communication involving checksums, parity, flow control (e.

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Two's Complement

Have you ever thought about how numbers are represented in your computer? We all know that computers “talk” in binary, but how exactly does it work?

In this post, I will briefly introduce Two’s Complement, which is the way signed integer numbers are represented. Signed data type are data types that support representation of negative and positive values.

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Carrying on in the context of Oil & Gas, in this post I will share a very simple Java application to stream random Wits data, provided through a TCP Socket Server to a single client. If you are new to Wits protocol, please visit my previous post, Wits Simplified.

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Wits Simplified

Yeah, I know this is a piece of very specific domain knowledge, and probably if you are not involved with the Oil & Gas industry, it’s not gonna make any sense for you. However, it’s interesting to know that Oil & Gas operations have a very large mass of data of all kind, transmitted in real time, to make it possible to monitor the well construction process and mainly to mitigate the risks of failures, that sometimes cause fatal accidents or huge damages to the environment …

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My Development Environment

Hi there! This is the very first post of my blog, and I decided to start with my development environment. Need to make it clear that this is my first blog, however, I ever wanted to create one. So, here we go…

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