Recently, I published a post of an application called WitsGenerator to provide random Wits data through a TCP port. Today I’m publishing another application related to the Oil & Gas business, but now it’s to count the amount of parameters being transmitted through Wits.
Read MoreBit Shift & Bitwise
Bit Shift and Bitwise are operators that make binary calculations perfectly straightforward. Some years ago, I had to refactor some logic using bit shift operations. That made me think that most developers had never seen or even understand what are bit shift and bitwise operations. These operators provide a great must-know solution for specific problems, like network calculations (IP & netmask); privileges processing based in bit fields; communication involving checksums, parity, flow …
Read MoreTwo's Complement
Have you ever thought about how numbers are represented in your computer? We all know that computers “talk” in binary, but how exactly does it work? In this post, I will briefly introduce Two’s Complement, which is the way signed integer numbers are represented. Signed data type are data types that support representation of negative and positive values.
Read MoreWitsGenerator
Carrying on in the context of Oil & Gas, in this post I will share a very simple Java application to stream random Wits data, provided through a TCP Socket Server to a single client. If you are new to Wits protocol, please visit my previous post, Wits Simplified.
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