Spring Multirabbit

SpringBoot doesn’t offer a very easy way of handling multiple RabbitMQ servers without introducing the complexity of SpringCloud Stream or the need to manually provide multiple connection factories in code. The spring-multirabbit library solves this problem, requiring none or minimal changes to the code and very simple extension of the configuration. How to use? Add spring-boot-starter-amqp and spring-multirabbit into the dependencies of the project. Bellow, an example for Maven. <dependency> <groupId>com.

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Two and a half years away

It’s been a long time since a last published a post on the blog. Shame shame shame! My last published post was Your first SpringBoot app in 5 steps on September 2019, 2.5 years ago. SpringBoot was in its version 2.0.8. Today, SpringBoot is in version 2.6.6. But why did this happen? The reason is clear: laziness! Kidding! Or better described… partially kidding! Besides a bit of laziness, many things happened during this time:

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